Saturday, December 26, 2009
2009: Year Gone By..!!!!!
Hello Frnds..!!!
It’s festive season and everybody is excited to welcome 2010. I am equally excited too , but before this I would like to quote some positive instances of the year 2009.
We had terrible year 2008. Terrorist Attack, Global Meltdown leaving millions jobless and several other issues hindered the growth of India. If ever I think about that it really haunt me. Those situations really haunted many not only Indians but the millions around the world too.
When The Year 2009 started we thought that the this year will bring some glories. But instead it started off with some severe setbacks. The year started with SATYAM MAYHEM. Yes the Top software company of the India was shattered and the scandal was so big that it has been called the ENRON of INDIA. We already had a very bad phase for the economy and Satyam Fiasco even worsened the scenario.
But whatever is the Case. “UMMED PE DUNIYA KAYAAM HAIN”. There was still hope that situation will improve and bring some positives.
In fact Year 2009 has been a truly successful and phenomenal as compared to 2008. Here’s a brief how India was successful in the year 2009:
The Dreams of many were broken whenever we think of Deadly term RECESSION. So this year India has biggest challenge in their mind to curb the recession as fast as they can. Every body was eyeing on the 13th Assembly Elections which were to be held very soon. Thanks to the Election which soon after improved the sentiments of the market and we are in a very sound state now.
The news which made the headlines for the most the times was the 13th Assembly Election. There were various issues going in the minds of the people. How to choose and who to choose?? Despite the issues of price rise and several other issues, Indians were hoping for a change. A change that can do some good to the poor ones but it didn’t happen so. Once again CONGRESS came out the winner. The whole credit goes to the Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who projected several young lads in its team and her strategy finally worked. So once again the Mr. Manmohan Singh was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India.
Continuing the last year success in sport after grabbing a Gold Medal in Olympics and several achievements in Boxing, This year too brought some glories to the Indian Sports. First of all Indian team who throughout the year performed extraordinarily well under the leadership of MS Dhoni and finally came out as number one team first in One Days and Then in Test Matches. Then another time when India felt proud was when Vijendra Singh who was named the No .1 Boxing player of the Year. Then comes the Proud moment of India, SACHIN TENDULKAR who completed 20 year of International Cricket and made India proud. In the field of Music A.R. Rehman once again carved a niche at the Grammy Award this year too. So in all this year once again had incredible achievements in all the sphere of the games and music.
Last year India suffered a lot many Terrorist Attacks including the severe 26/11. Those incidents still brought tears to many. So compared to the last year this year we had some of the lucky escapes. We were successful enough to avoid attacks. Thanks to the intelligence working for this cause and Thanks to newly elected Home Minister Mr.P.Chidambaram who did a tremendous job.
So all in all this year brought lot many GLORIES to India and Hopefully this Scenario continues next year too.
I Wish everybody a "VERY HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2010"…Hope all your good wishes come true this year…enjoy…!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
MBA..A Lucrative Career...!!!!!!
"I am planning for an MBA; I want to pursue MBA after my Graduation." These are the words very often said by the youngsters. I am also trying hard for getting admission into MBA and every time crowd astounds me when I reaches the center. Previously I used to think that Examinations other than CAT are not that popular. But the recent scenario has proved me wrong.
No doubt CAT, the most sought after exam and a dream for many. But apart from CAT other exams are also equally sought after.
Seeing this scenario, one thing is clear, that MBA is no more a dream. It’s a career every body wants to enter into. After all it’s a LUCRATIVE CAREER..!!!!!!
In India MBA as a career has overshadowed all other forms of career options. Everybody thinks of pursuing an MBA and hopes to get a handsome package which will fulfill their every dream. But don’t you think this is Actually a BULL RUN where every body blindly wants to pursue MBA without thinking of other options that are equally lucrative???
In my opinion craziness for MBA has vanished all the other options of making a career. Every body wants money despite knowing that this might not be the field they want to enter into. This mania for money is the sole reason for shifting or choosing MBA as a career.
Recently I read about the vacancy for a Lecturers and Research oriented people. And I was stunned to see that there were hardly any interested shown by the candidates. So what’s this?? It’s simply ignorance and more over impact of MBA.
How far it is fair that a candidate passing from “XYZ” B-School and straight away earning 1-1.5 lakhs a month and contrary to this scientist, researchers and professors having loads of experience are still earning only 20,000 per month??
In fact it’s a fault of Corporate India who made MBA so hyped by offering huge packages. Apart from Corporate India it’s also a fault at the government side. Government should make provisions to attract young lads to work for the country, to work on the research based project. To do this government has to increase a great deal in terms of incentives. Government should start thinking towards this. Government can only attract youth by offering money in the same manner what the corporates had done so far.
Today India is developing country and if we want it to be a developed country then we have to be Job creators rather than the Job seekers. The youth of today is moreover a job seeker rather than a job creator, despite having enormous talent.
So guys I just want to say that: Money, no doubt is essential for the survival but do think of your interest also. Don’t run for money blindly at the cost of your interest. Life is short, so fulfill every dream and make it BIG!!!!!
Have a great Future ..!!!!
Do share your views….n post your valuable comments..!!!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
CAT & Mouse Wins d RACE..!!!!!
Amidst all the rumors whether the CAT 2009 should be scrapped or not,the DEADLY DUO(Cat and Mouse) finally won the race. The week long discussion between the IIM Directors and the HRD Minister have shut all those who were claiming and hoping for reCAT.
As an aspirant of CAT 2009 I truly support the decision. In fact, I must say, I am jubilant after hearing this news. Actually those who talked about the retest had literally shown their incompetency to face the online CAT.
Though there were some technical glitches at the start of the test but it doesn't mean that online CAT has failed. It could have happened with anybody else also. Since it is CAT and a dream for many, therefore it is much talked. Well whatever be the case, finally we have to agree that CAT gone online this year and will continue to be in the online format in future also. So its time to concentrate and prepare yourself to bell the online CAT next year if in case you are not lucky enough to clear this year.
Finally I must say that CAT and IIM's have shown why they are unique. Despite so many claims and the petition filed against the IIM directors, they came out successfully and justified everyone. The IIM has taken a very positive move in conducting the online CAT for future and once again they have made everybody realize that "This is a world of TECHNO MANAGERS". You got to have a bit of technical acumen to bell d CAT...!!!!!
I also the appreciate the decision of IIM directors for the rescheduling technically glitched candidates. They have made clear that the reexam will be held in mid of January.
So what we can make out is that ONLINE VERSION is the Future of CAT...!!!! and Online CAT is here to stay..!!! So all those still sanguine about the paper based CAT. Plz come to reality and face it.
Do share your views also regarding this hot topic..!!!!!
Thank You!!!!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Short and Sweet Speech by CHETAN BHAGAT..!!!!! Teaching Basics of LIFE...!!!!!!
A Short & Sweet Speech Teaching Basics of LIFE..!!!!!!!
Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order.
There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.
"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die. ……………….
One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? …………….
It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices..... ...." :)
"Don't be serious, be sincere."!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Modern Engineers....Mark of FAME or SHAME..!!!!!
“I am an Engineer”….Is it Really a Proud Feeling?????
Who Invented Bulb??- Thomas Edison…….Good!!
Who Invented Aeroplane??-Wright Brothers……….Great!!!!
Who Invented Laws of Physics??- Newton………….Fantastic..!!!!!!
How easy it is to learn a thing, grasp it and mug it up??? But it becomes equally hard to create something of our own. Isn’t it??
Yes we “The proud Engineers” don’t even know a single bit of the pains those great scientists have taken long ago. I think we loved to be called as “ENGINEERS”. But are we doing even a single thing like an engineer. No I don’t think so??
By the way if we understand the dictionary meaning of an ENGINEER, it is “A person who plans, builds, creates some thing new”. But today the scenario has totally changed.
Engineering, rather than a source of innovation and discoveries, it has become a mark of social status. Previously those great scientists devoted all nights and days to perform a single experiment and despite performing 1000 times were not able to arrive at the positive outcome. How ridiculous they might have felt??
In my childhood days if some one used to ask me “What you want to be when you grow up?” I used to proudly answer that “I want to be an engineer”. At that point of time I used to think that yes being and engineer is really a proud moment in life. But No, today I actually realize that the feeling or rather that proud feeling of being an engineer, no more exist.
Actually it is neither my fault nor is yours. It is actually the fault of our education system, whose books and other archives are not at all updated. These contain all those antiquated material in the books. The labs are not well developed and the faculties are not recruited up to the mark. Instead of providing practical knowledge to the students they are focusing on ages old theories and laws.
It is quite ironic that, despite of creating 5 lakh engineers a year India is not able to grab a single Noble or International Awards on its own in past 50 years?. All Indian who received such prestigious awards are either NRI’s or have completed their education from the foreign universities.
Why such a scenario has occurred? To an extent it’s a fault of our government and education system and to an extent a fault of those who took education in India and settled in foreign countries. But from their point of view they are quite right. If they don’t get the adequate facilities and fund for their research how will they survive?
In fact Definition of an Engineer has totally changed in India.
It has been a general mentality that if you do engineering you will get a good job with handsome salary and you can enjoy lavish lifestyle. But my dear, this thinking among the youth and society has created worst impact on the reputation of engineers. In all there are more than 2000 engineering colleges who provide technical education. But out of those only some including IITs, NITs and some top most colleges equivalent to IIT’s are up to the mark. What about the Rest? They are simply the source of income for the industrialists and politicians.
Engineering colleges in India are opening up and are getting approved so rapidly that they are not at all in a position to provide education up to the mark.
Nearly 50% engineers are unemployed. And those who are employed hardly have the technical acumen to fit into the organization. What’s this? What is the sense of producing such engineers in bulk who are of no use? It’s a waste of national property. It’s a national loss.
At times it feels as if “IS IT REALLY PRIDE TO BE AN ENGINEER”.
Guys it is absolutely true that modern day engineering colleges are no less than schools. Like in school every thing was spoon feeding, same is happening in engineering also. Just Pass the University exams and get a degree after 4 years. That’s it. Nothing creative and innovative which add up to your profile.
I don’t understand where our education system is going?
You can’t believe even a lay man think that doing engineering is not big deal. Because they know how the modern day engineers are produced and how much they are capable of?
So what the hell our education system is doing?
Well I am not the authority to worry about and answer such questions but yes I can only say that Identity and Status of Engineering is under intense scrutiny.
This only makes me to say whether
MODERN ENGINEERS…Mark of FAME or SHAME??????????????????
So Guys and specially engineers….DIL PE MAT LENA..!!!!!
I wrote what I think. Post your valuable comments too….!!!!!
Thank You..!!!!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A Historical Day....India Top of ICC Ranking..!!!!!!!
INDIA Top the chart of ICC Ranking. Yippee it’s a memorable day not only for Dhoni and Team India but for all those who made their valuable contribution to Indian Cricket.
The Quest to Become the No.1 team as per the ICC Ranking and that too in the TEST CRICKET has been successfully achieved by the Dhoni and its team India Brigade.
I wish Heartiest CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! On this special occasion.
But my Dear Frndsss…..It’s very unfair to just give whole credit to Dhoni and its men for achieving this Herculean task. As we all know India played its first test Cricket in 1952 and at that point of time just playing a test cricket was itself a big achievement. But India did that also. Hats off to the Those legendry cricketers.
Slowly and Steadily Indian Cricket moved ahead and started making its name in world of Cricket. Here’s the credit to all those who taught India different lessons at different point of time.

The Little Master of Indian Cricket, the one and only the SUNIL GAVASKAR who brought India to new heights and he himself made several records which were unbreakable at that time. He captained India for several matches and provided India to play some overseas matches. Throughout his tenure he not at all focused on winning but rather his focused on “NOT LOSSING THE MATCHES”
He Gave one THUMB Rule to Indian cricket:
“If you can’t win the matches just try hard to draw the match”-Sunil Gavaskar
He anyhow tried and focused hard not to loose the matches and succeed to some extent.
Then comes the

After Gavaskar making way for the Indian cricket Kapil Dev Came into the lime light and started to make his name in his own way. He led India to World Cup Victory the only world cup India shares.
After his team’s charismatic performance at 1983 performance the world’s eye was on India and every body’s expectations were at its pinnacle. Apart from carrying the image provided by gavaskar he also provided new dimensions to Indian Cricket and with some of his BLITSKREIG India made a new name in the World Cricket. Hats off to the Legendry Allrounder of all times…!!!!!!

He was also one of the exceptional captains of all times who though was not able to provide the new dimensions to Indian Cricket but gave some of the Extraordinary players of all times. ANIL KUMBLE was one of the exceptional which was the sole creation of AZHAR. His contribution was also appreciable.
He gave the Thumb rule:
“If foreign countries make pitches as per their requirement and win Matches so Why not WE???”-AZHAR
Then Came the….

What to say about this legendry player. Exceptional performer, A true Indian and a person of CAN WIN ATTITUDE.
He succeeded AZHAR and from then on the Golden Era of Indian Cricket started. He brought the biggest change i.e. the CHANGE in Attitude.
He solely believed in winning and didn’t at all tolerate opponents to dominate. That was the reason he made India to win some of the greatest matches. Who can forget final of NATWEST Trophy in 2002 in England. He was in my opinion truly exceptional.
His CAN WIN ATTITUDE was the only reason which allowed the India to celebrate victory overseas. He taught INDIA to perform overseas and WIN too. Who can forget the ADELAIDE test in 2003.So this was time when Indian team made some of the biggest achievements and made a mark in the international cricket.
Because of his attitude only he made India to compete the World Cup Champs to give a tough fight in the 2003 World Cup finals.
This was the era of Indian cricket when India produces some of the top class cricketers including SEHWAG (Viru), HARBHAJAN (Bhajji), ZAHEER (Zak) and YUVRAJ (Yuvi). These are the players whose seeds were sown by the Legendry Ganguly and now the Fruits are enjoyed by our present captain DHONI (Mahi).
He was the only captain who threw open challenges and made direct eye contact with the opposing captains.
He was truly the man of Principles and he solely believes just to think about winning isn’t enough.
He just gave the Simple Thumb Rule to all the players. “JUST THINK OF WINNNING, I CAN’T TOLERATE LOSING”.
Then ……..Comes our HERO….YOUTH ICON…!!!!

He is MAHI of India. He is Mr. Cool and a Youth Icon. He came into the team as a BLITZKREIG batsman keeper under the captainship of Legendry ganguly. But slowly and gradually and he made a mark in the Indian team and captured the top position of INDIAN TEAM leaving behind some of the experienced players like Sehwag.
I must say he is very lucky. Not only in terms of capturing captainship but also in terms of getting blessed with such a good team. Yes when he took the captainship he got some of the outstanding players who were in the peak form of their career. I must say he is there to enjoy the fruits whose seeds were sown by GANGULY.
Whatever is the case, Public of Indian only believes in the outcome and he produced it.
First he made India to a victory in Debut T-20 World Cup and then came into the lime light by throwing out all the Senior pros of the team.
He just believed in
Though at that time he faced criticism but who cares. See he made his statement come true. With youngsters in the team and few senior pros he has brought India to grab the top spot in the ICC RANKING…!!!
I Wish Heartiest CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Dhoni aka MAHI and Indian Brigade..
Lage Raho MAHI…!!!!!
Thank you Audeince for being so patient..!!!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
CAT Experience...!!!!!
MY CAT EXPERIENCE…..!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally Finally...Amidst all the rumors and technical glitches I survived CAT 2009…..Ahhhhh….What an experience : a Life Time experience, the most memorable moment……..!!!!!!!!!
I reached the centre on time i.e. 8:00 AM. I was very excited for the CAT and why not?? I was preparing very seriously for last year or so. So today my excitement was at its pinnacle….
All what I needed was the sense of confidence and bit of luck. Whether I had my luck in my favor or not, I don't know but yes truly I was confident before and during the exam. It was really well managed CAT at my centre.
As I reached the centre, Firstly my Identity was verified and I was allowed to check in where I was given a Polythene bag in which I had to kept all my personal belongings (key, wallet etc). And then I was made to enter into the desired hall where my exam was to conduct.
There inside the room, for a moment I really panicked not because of the tensed atmosphere but because of the BIOMETRIC not detecting my fingerprint. Then anyhow my fingerprint was detected and Digital image of my face was taken through the webcam and then from their on I was made to sit on my place in front of PC.
All I want to say to all the CAT aspirants is that there is no need to panic. Every thing is very much managed and PROMETRIC is giving its 100% to facilitate the students and most importantly all the instructions are mentioned very clearly on the paper provided. So to avoid any disturbances it is advisable to read those instructions very carefully. It is highly recommended not to talk after entering the exam hall. In all I think 4-5 cameras were fitted in the room and every thing is recorded
All you need at the test site is your ADMIT CARD, VOUCHER and ID Proof (License, PAN card etc) and bit of Serenity to bear the pressure and excitement of the exam at the center.
So at last it was a memorable experience for me appearing in CAT.
Hope my dream of doing an MBA from top B-School comes true. Wish me very best of luck..!!!!!
I wish all the Aspirants a very "BEST OF LUCK" and believe that you can BELL the CAT......!!!!
Last but not the least I want to thank CEREBRAL HEIGHTS without them I would not have appeared in CAT 2009 so comfortably. The faculties, material provided for study and specially the test series that allowed me to judge at larger level and henceforth increased my confidence level to perform at the larger level.
At last I can just Say that I Really Enjoyed being a part of 10 DAY CAT FESTIVAL..!!!!
Thank Your Audience…!!!!
Hope you also share some of your life time experiences….!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My PRE CAT DAY!!!!!!!!
A Day Before CAT…!!!!!!!!!
Today I am here to capture your attention not to describe any fictious, rather I am here to describe my dream. The Dream I saw a Year and Half Ago and since then was working reasonably hard to achieve it. Yes you guessed it Right…….THE DREAM OF CAT…!!!!!!!!
I had always heard about the surprises of the CAT. Like changes in paper, marking scheme and no of questions etc. But this year i.e. year 2009 CAT has thrown lot many surprised before only. Like the pattern for the examination has changed and moreover it has gone online from the conventional paper based exam. So as such there were no such big surprised expected on the D-Day.
Like every other examination the tensions soar your mind whether you are prepared or not the fear of exam still rules you throughout the day before the exam. That’s what was happening to me. Anxiety, Apprehensive and moreover I was feeling as if I am buried under my expectations. The expectations were so high and I was desperate to achieve it at any cost. But Dreaming and Converting into the reality is the real challenge.
When I was going through this patch of my life, there are some intelligent people who come to you and start guiding you…:”jisko bole hain Gyan Batna..” . As every body in the colony knew that I was preparing for the CAT and was serious about it. So every body just start their special Gyan and start saying:
“Beta acche se karna haan..aur koi tension to lena hi mat kyunki tension mein kai baar gadbadi ho jaati hai.”
“ Beta abhi to server wagera down chal raha hain CAT mein to phir tum kaise kya karoge….Kher koi baat nahin beta sab Kismat ka khel hain….Tumhari kismet mein hoga to koi rok nahin paayega..Tum bus apni mehnat karte raho…”
All these scenario though from their point of view was great. And I am glad also that people are equally concerned for me. But this type of atmosphere really created more stressful situation for me and any how I had to come out of this situation as early as possible.
So at last I strict to the basic rule that I have to motivate myself and I keep followed my inner voice that “ I can do it and I have to do it” This inner voice did relief a bit. Apart from this I also watched some of the Inspiring videos which I liked the most.
I love these videos and they are actually the people who are dreamers. So I would also like to share with you those videos. You too watch them
First of all……
What an Advertisement by Volkswagon. This is what we call Dreaming and Working for your Dream. A little child who is so ambitious and he knows at what time he will be accomplishing his dream. So really inspiring advertisement for me.
This is one of the video of a legend who dreamt of being a Big Man. He did it. Now after 20 years of his international cricket he is ruling the world. That’s what passion and the positive attitude can do to you.
How can I forget my Living Hero. A man of courage and is real inspiration to one and all.
He believes in throwing open challenges and that’s what I liked it.
He was thrown out and still he believed he can make a come back So this allowed me to be hopeful in the adverse situations also.
Last but not the least……..INSPIRING…………
Life at IIM-A…..You won’t believe despite watching this so many times I watched 5 times this video. Lets see What happens on D-DAY!!!!!!!!
So see you guys after CAT on 2nd ,DECEMBER.
I share a lot more about my D-Day Experience……….So till then Byee…..
Wish me Best of Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you audience..!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Life...At Acropolis.....My Engg colllege...!!!!!!!
Hello Friendssss…!!!!!
Hey frnds….Hopefully the Journey so far has been Enriching and hopefully intersting too. As I discussed earlier My interest of writing Blogs is increasing day by day and This is where I got in my mind, why shouldn’t I share my life at Acropolis… Engineering College…from where I will be passing out in 2010 Hopefully…!!!!!
Life At AcRoPoLiS….!!!!!!!!!
It was 4th of September 2006 when my life at AcRoPoLiS and dream of becoming an engineer started. Life changed dramatically afterwards. New Campus, New lifestyle, New people and most importantly the Transition from a student of school to a Collegiate….Wat a feeling!!! Feels proud at some moments that I am an engineer but….tat too was a Transient phase.
Aspirations were high and Highly Passionate to achieve them. Interaction with new people and Initial Learning Program with learned faculties, everything was awesome. For few days I was very serious regarding studies, regular submission of assignments and more than 75% attendance, all was happening at a lightening pace and soon I realize that Nops……Dude…..This is not a life you dreamt of….?? You got to change and the Transition then took place at even more lightening pace. Within week’s time I was one of the Regular Bunkers of class with single copy in a bag and even no Notes for the lectures. Wow I was really enjoying the transition that took place and was feeling extremely proud of me(though there was very silly reason). But I enjoyed a lot.
The scenario I created was truly and whole heartedly supported by my friends. Late Nights at the friends hostel, Movies (of all types) and late night parties. All was ecstatic and the enjoyment of life was at its pinnacle. Every one was enjoying and me too after all I wanted this type of atmosphere and I created it. Wow!!!
Every one was naughty in their own way and was liked by everyone. This atmosphere was very fascinating until 15 days before exam. But as soon as exams mount over the head every one was regretting his deeds during the semester and all promised to study very hard from the next semester onwards and will definitely be serious about studies. Every one keep up to their promise only till result declaration. The scenario between the exams and the results was even more interesting. Everyone was calculating each others marks and somehow managed to calculate near about 35(which was requisite condition to pass). As soon as results declared and surprisingly everyone passed (RGPV is known for throwing surprises) then see the change…….Who cares about the promises??????. The same schedule of FULTOO MASTI continued thereafter for the whole semester.
Every one was getting dreamy about the placements and for the bright careers despite knowing that they hardly do anything to succeed. But still no efforts and the college atmosphere had affected each and every one so much that no one was ready to accept the reality and fantasy ruled their minds.
Now today I am into the Final year (7th Semester) with the same old group and with same aspirations and dreams in mind but the only thing changed is the ATTITUDE. Every one is serious and the greatest thing happened during engineering is that everyone has now realized the difference between the Realistic world and the world of Fantasy.
Guys this is not only the story of mine but it is common story of thousands of engineers all over the country. So its better if you maintained your identity throughout and work according to it. The world of Imagination looks good and attracts at once but when faced with the reality tears come into eyes.
Hope you all enjoyed reading a True story of an Engineering Student.
Share your experiences too. I am eagerly waiting for the responses….!!!!
Thanks audience!!!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Life is A Game…Better Play it to Win It…!!!!!!
In my last Blog I shared the experience of a boy chasing his dreams and how his journey went through. Hope you liked it.
Continuing my interest of writing the blog, next article in the series is
Life is A Game…Better Play it to Win It…!!!!!!
A very common saying by a man “Life is boring, Life Mein Kuch Maza Nahin Raha”. But I must say all these saying are from persons who don’t enjoy life. You got to enjoy every moment of the life to live a healthy and happy life.
In fact it also depends on the “Perception” of an individual. If you think you are satisfied and living a happy life then this saying will be very rare but If you are frustrated and depressed then frequently you will be caught saying such statements.
I personally believe every human being should take “LIFE AS A GAME”. Consider your life as if you are playing your favorite game and you are master of it. What happens when you play your favorite game??? You tend to take the opportunity in a very confident manner and at any cost you will not consider a loss in that game. Why such thing happens?? Because you really enjoy playing that game and you know that you can win.
So why don’t we implement such strategy in our LIFE. Our life is also like a GAME but only difference is that it’s a “Game of Patience” and requires great perseverance to win the game. But no matter what the condition is. “I am Champion of the game and desperately needs a win”. When this feeling enters into one’s Mind, Body and Soul then I am sure you will never get bored of your life.
Once the Legendry Cricketer of Australia Adam Gilchrist said at the time of adieu that “I wasn’t really enjoying playing cricket and that’s the reason I quit from International Cricket.” So the message is simple. You will get success and happiness only when you enjoy every moment of life. It is up to you how to make your life interesting and continue with that interest. Life will throw up new challenges every moment but how you respond to the challenge and how desperately you want to win that challenge decides the outcome. So if you really want to win something then you have to accept every challenge of life in the same manner like you accepted for your Favorite Game. This is the one of the way by which you can be happy and allows you to live in optimistic zone of life.
There are in fact various ways by which you can be happy whether, fulfilling your dreams keeps you happy, exploring your creativity inside you make you happy. It’s up to you how you can make your life interesting. Like I believe in helping people and talking to the Intellectual people, listening to their experience provides me great satisfaction and feeling of confidence. Such situation makes me happy and motivates me to work in the direction of success.
Why I am writing this article??
The reason is simple. In today’s busy schedule of a common man I found people very depressed and frustrated of their life and in that process they are actually performing below par and henceforth not able to produce the desired outcome. Though they have the potential to perform better but the negativity present inside them worsens the situation.
So Guys Live your Life As if You are playing your Favorite GAME and put your Heart and Soul to win that Game…..At last what If you don’t come out to be a WINNER, at least you will get something good from your precious life. Consider that’s an achievement and go ahead.
So at last the message is….You have to find your own way of being happy and always think positive, be optimistic about the life and then see the difference. I have personally implemented this theory and got some positive results…..
Hope this works for you all!!!!!!!!!!
Please write how you did you find my Article……….n DO share your experience If the theory works for you…!!!!!!
Waiting for comments from the lovely audience…!!!!!
Thank You very much for spending your precious time for Reading…!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Welcome Friends…!!!
It gives me immense pleasure to write about my dreams and share them with you lovely audience. Yes “DREAMS” the endless and never ending phenomenon of every human beings life. I am a person who dreams a lot and the biggest drawback is that I keep chasing all the dreams. The chase sometimes makes me feel nervous and sometimes teach me a lesson about what I did wrong.
So guys lets start the journey:
Chase your Dreams…!!!!!
The experience which I am sharing is about a very innocent boy who wants to be a successful and a self made man as soon as possible. By nature he was very shy and introvert. He was serious and very committed to his studies. You won’t believe, just because of this quality or nature he was once awarded as “Mr. POLITE” in his Farewell party in class 12th.
He only heard of IIT and saw few people clearing the exam making a successful career. So he thought why shouldn’t he try for it. This is where his journey of “chasing his dreams” started and all days and nights he just dreamt of becoming an IITian. As we all know that just dreaming isn’t enough, you got to follow your dreams and that was one of the most challenging part which he faced in his life. There were very ups and downs but thanks to his father and mother who were very motivating and inspired him to go ahead and chase the dreams. He entered into this long chase for IIT without any proper planning but he knew that if he want to be successful he got to continue chasing the dreams.
He continued his long run of chasing the dreams without thinking about any failure. Now this was just the start and he knew that preparing for IIT is not just preparing for the exam but learning to fight in difficult situation and finding the positives out of it. So the learning he took from the IIT preparation is that “if you want to learn something you got to challenge yourself and continue challenging”.
Slowly and steadily the journey continued and as IIT came close, his dreams were soaring high and he was not at all expecting anything below IIT. But God has something else in his store and he ended up with not getting anything at the end of it. But As I said he believes in learning something positive thing of every situation. So the learning he took is that “if you really want to achieve something and realize your dreams then you should be as PASSIONATE as you were at the start of the journey”. The biggest reason for his failure was that he lacked perseverance to continue chase.
Now he is into Final year of Engineering and his dream run is still not accomplished. I must say by the God’s grace he has got enough daring to face failures because he knew that Failures provide him the opportunity to learn and that is the bigger aspect of life. He is at present chasing his dream of pursuing an MBA from IIM and wants to be successful manager in India Inc. Let’s Wish him very BEST of Luck!!!!!!!
This is very first Blog I m writing and may be I am not able to impress the talented audience but I promise I’ll definitely improve as my journey goes ahead……
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