Hello Frnds…!!!!
After lot many general ideas of mine, I thought Why shouldn’t I share something serious??? So here's one morose story but with a real message..!!!!
This might sound you somewhat wearisome to you all but please to get a real message plz read it.
A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box.
Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible. Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business.He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.
He began to search his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope taped behind the Bible.It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the
sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation,
and the words...PAID IN FULL.
How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not
packaged as we expected????
So we should accept every gift wholeheartedly, who knows....what is for you in store..!!!
Thanxx for being so patient..!!!
Hope you liked my creation...!! Keep Blogging..!!!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Entrepreneurship….The Future Lies Ahead…!!!!!!

Entrepreneurship….The Future Lies Ahead…!!!!!!
India is going through a great Run this time round. India is among those countries whose economy was growing even when the world was going through the rough patch. It is generally said that “When the USA sneezes the whole world catches the cold”. But India was lucky enough to come out of the crises fruitfully.
This sounds Encouraging. But friends don’t you think that Indians are highly dependent on USA and other multinational companies for the survival??. Almost Half the fortune 500 companies have their presence in US or in West, but there are hardly any Indian companies who managed to do so. India is producing World class Engineers from IIT’s and World Class Managers from IIM’s but still we are lacking when it comes to create business opportunities. We are more of a jobs seeker rather than the job creator. Isn’t it???
This is where I think India is lacking. This is what I think "Entrepreneurship is the future lies ahead"
Who doesn’t want to be an owner of a company? I think it’s a dream of many isn’t it?? An ENTREPRENEUR is a person who is a mixed blend of leadership skills, knowledge, ability to take risks and more over who believes in creating jobs rather than seeking for job.
Friends, these days I have been going through rigorous training of GD/PI for MBA entrance and I many a times come across hearing that I want to own a company and I want to be an Entrepreneur. In fact I also give such kind of answers. No, not because everybody gives such kind of answers but I really want to own a Company. Such aspirations need to be invigorated.
Frankly speaking there are almost 5L Engineers, 2.5L Managers, 3L BCom’s & BSc’s and some more grad make some total of nearly 15L Graduates every year. And the number of job vacancies created is almost 50%. So, what will happen of those remaining 8L who are also skillful but are not fortunate enough to grab a job? In fact I must say they are not unlucky but in my opinion they have much bigger opportunity to create their own empire. Why are they running for the jobs everywhere?
You will be shocked to know that only 15% of the business is organized in India and rest is totally unorganized. So, why to run for that merely 15% when the vast 85% of unorganized sector is calling you?
Why not take the education industry. It contributes mere 2% to the GDP of the country. Here lies the big opportunity for the youngster to pursue their career and accomplish their entrepreneurial dream. Although not today but in near future the Govt. has to think in this direction of promoting Entrepreneurs. Without this it is almost impossible to create employment opportunities for the people.
It is fact that India is land of opportunities and more than 2/3rd of the population is below 35 Years. So this is where India can use this enormous manpower. GOOGLE, YAHOO, DELL, MICROSOFT, APPLE were such companies which were founded by youngsters at the age of almost 20-25. This was possible only because they had support from the government. Their education system is such designed that new ideas are promoted very much. GOOGLE was founded in Stanford University by the university grads right? U.S. and other European countries prospered because they promoted entrepreneurs. Such tactics need to be followed by India too.
It is not the case that Indian Universities doesn’t promote entrepreneurship but it is at a very inchoate stage. Only IIM-A (DREAM BIG 2010) and ISB Hyderabad and EDI Gandhinagar are such institutes which offer these courses. For Indian and the youth to prosper the Education has to play a big role. Universities should start Entrepreneurial courses as a part of their curriculum. This will not only provide youth opportunity but also allow the country to grow at much faster rate. Recently Infosys Co-founder Mr. Narayan Murthy and his wife Ms. Sudha Murthy came up with an idea of being a “Venture Capitalist (Catamaran)” which is intended to promote the Entrepreneurs. Many more business tycoons need to come up with the idea of promoting Entrepreneurs.
So, at last I want to say that India can no longer rely on the West for the survival because after this recession major companies like GM and Bank of America plunged to a great extent. China and India are the two big economies which will be dictating the world for the coming decade. So it’s a great opportunity to come up with new business ideas. Who knows India can up with more MICROSOFT and GOOGLE in the coming decade….!!!!
Hope you liked my Idea….!!!! More Ideas are highly welcomed by you all..!!! Keep Blogging…….!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Are You "Praying or Begging"..????

Praying or Begging..??
Man is avaricious by nature. He is so covetous that he has forgotten the basic essence of worship. God is present everywhere but still a man goes to temple & pray (beg) for almost everything.
Yes friends, this generally happens with almost every common man who is striving for a successful life. Every body wants to be successful and every individual has its own parameter for success. Man is so determined to get succeed that he strives for almost everything in life. For that purpose he started begging from God instead of worshiping him. And see the God,Despite all the odds he is so generous that he fulfills almost every one’s wish either instantly or sometime latter.
Consider GOD as a common man. What happens when you ask something with a common man? When you ask for something he gives it and goes away without thinking whether that thing was useful to you or not. He has fulfilled his purpose by providing that desired thing to you. But will that stop your greed??? No. It won’t. It is the basic characteristic of an individual that we are actually voracious for our materialistic needs.
Similar thing happens with the GOD also when you desire something you pray or rather beg in front of god and he will definitely fulfill you wish but by doing so you have lost the GOD for ever. Because when you ask for a thing everyday with a common man he will one day get annoyed and will not pester about your wants. Similar is the case with the God, when you go to temple daily and pray (beg), God also gets annoyed and at some point he doesn’t care about your wants and needs. Because you are avid for almost everything. Instead of Begging for materialistic needs, start Praying God from true Heart and wish that he stands with us every time whether its good time or bad. God is something who is always with us and we should use him at a very critical point of time in life, not every day we should expect him to give something. Isn’t it?????
When our needs are fulfilled we thank God by either donating Prasad or Some Gift and from the next day again we start getting greedy for other thing. This is a vicious cycle which will never end. We always expect a positive denouement from God without thinking whether we really deserved it or not.
My dear friends Every one has something in the store. That something is the combination of (HARDWORK & OPPORTUNITY). We have to keep doing hard work and wait for the opportunity to come and we will definitely get the thing we desire for. For that we don’t need to pray or beg in front of the GOD…!!!!!!
So friends, My personal experience truly says that We actually are not worshiping rather begging for our materialistic needs and in that process we are loosing the true essence of worship. So from next time just pray for the welfare and not for fulfilling our never ending greeds…!!!!
Hope you like my article..!!!! Don’t forget to share your valuable comments and Keep Blogging..!!!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Experience the LOVE without LOVE...!!!
Experience the LOVE without LOVE...!!!
Hello Friends...!!!
Love is substantive for life. Whether it is a love of your family members or a love of your life partner. It is most beautiful sentiment that everybody want to be a part in his life time.
When we are born we get a love of our mother and father. We get happy because all our desires are fulfilled by our lovely parents. But at some stage in life when we enter into adolescent age our demands are such that it can't be fulfilled by the parents. Hence then the most awaited moment of our life i.e the college life, where we can fulfill our dreams and experience love other than our parental love.
Friends did you ever spare a thought why we are need love in college or when we reach at a age of 18-20? No naa??...It's because at the age of 18-20 our parental love turns in to a deep friendship and then we are bereaved of experiencing a love. So that's why we need a person who thinks of us and have some feelings for us other than friendship.
This is a fact most of us quest for girlfriends when we are mature i.e. in college. Those who get one of their type, I must say they are lucky, but what about those who don't get their loved ones??? Don't they have any feelings?? or Don't they deserve to get the love in college??? They do. But the problem is that they don't try and most importantly they don't dare to express their love. This is a reason why they fail. Their is saying "WINNERS DON'T DO DIFFERENT THINGS, THEY DO DIFFERENTLY". So this is exactly true, if you want to experience love go ahead and express it without any hesitation.
But those who don't dare to express love or have their love far from them, I have a different solution for them. I must say this is somewhat better and safe way of experiencing love. This is called EXPERIENCING LOVE WITHOUT LOVE..!!!
See when you love someone you have feelings for them. So what you need is the his/her presence. So is it always necessary that he/she should be present?? No... It is up to you how you feel her and enjoy that moment. Close your eyes and think about her and experience her. This is called World of FANTASY. Yes, you can experience a love by going into a different world for a moment and imagine all those things or situations you would have love to do in her presence. That moment will give you immense happiness without any fear of getting slapped or insulted. After all what you need is the happiness and love and you are getting it. Though you will get a VIRTUAL LOVE but yes at least you have something to cheer and reason for being happy.
But this theory has a huge disadvantage. It will affect your lifestyle and it might hinder your working and henceforth your studies. So take care you don't get addict to the world of FANTASIES because things in reality are far more different and complex. It's just a way to remain happy not the only way to remain happy.
Friends this theory of Experiencing love might feel weird to many but still this can be one way in which you can enjoy many moments in your life..!!!!
Write your experiences about love and yes if you have any ways in which you can experience love.. Don't hesitate to put it here...!!!!
Hello Friends...!!!
Love is substantive for life. Whether it is a love of your family members or a love of your life partner. It is most beautiful sentiment that everybody want to be a part in his life time.
When we are born we get a love of our mother and father. We get happy because all our desires are fulfilled by our lovely parents. But at some stage in life when we enter into adolescent age our demands are such that it can't be fulfilled by the parents. Hence then the most awaited moment of our life i.e the college life, where we can fulfill our dreams and experience love other than our parental love.
Friends did you ever spare a thought why we are need love in college or when we reach at a age of 18-20? No naa??...It's because at the age of 18-20 our parental love turns in to a deep friendship and then we are bereaved of experiencing a love. So that's why we need a person who thinks of us and have some feelings for us other than friendship.
This is a fact most of us quest for girlfriends when we are mature i.e. in college. Those who get one of their type, I must say they are lucky, but what about those who don't get their loved ones??? Don't they have any feelings?? or Don't they deserve to get the love in college??? They do. But the problem is that they don't try and most importantly they don't dare to express their love. This is a reason why they fail. Their is saying "WINNERS DON'T DO DIFFERENT THINGS, THEY DO DIFFERENTLY". So this is exactly true, if you want to experience love go ahead and express it without any hesitation.
But those who don't dare to express love or have their love far from them, I have a different solution for them. I must say this is somewhat better and safe way of experiencing love. This is called EXPERIENCING LOVE WITHOUT LOVE..!!!
See when you love someone you have feelings for them. So what you need is the his/her presence. So is it always necessary that he/she should be present?? No... It is up to you how you feel her and enjoy that moment. Close your eyes and think about her and experience her. This is called World of FANTASY. Yes, you can experience a love by going into a different world for a moment and imagine all those things or situations you would have love to do in her presence. That moment will give you immense happiness without any fear of getting slapped or insulted. After all what you need is the happiness and love and you are getting it. Though you will get a VIRTUAL LOVE but yes at least you have something to cheer and reason for being happy.
But this theory has a huge disadvantage. It will affect your lifestyle and it might hinder your working and henceforth your studies. So take care you don't get addict to the world of FANTASIES because things in reality are far more different and complex. It's just a way to remain happy not the only way to remain happy.
Friends this theory of Experiencing love might feel weird to many but still this can be one way in which you can enjoy many moments in your life..!!!!
Write your experiences about love and yes if you have any ways in which you can experience love.. Don't hesitate to put it here...!!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Flop MBA Season 2009..!!!

Flop MBA Season 2009..!!!
Hello Friends...!! Welcome..!!
It's a season of colours and advent of summer...!!! Everything would have been fine if the CAT results would not have come at this point of time. Though it's a season of colours but friends it's been a somber time for me. Yes, My MBA Season which started in November ended in a flop show.
The first MBA exam I appeared for was IIFT on 22nd November 2009. Since then every sunday I have begging in front of God that please get one seat in top 20 College. But slowly my dream of pursuing MBA drowned as the results started making their appearance.
In the second year of my BE only I thought that I have to pursue MBA from one of the top colleges of the country. Keeping that thing in mind I started my journey on 17 July 2008 by joining the Best coaching institute in the city i.e. CEREBRAL HEIGHTS. Each day passed and my dreams and aspirations soaring though I wasn't working that hard. But still there was feeling in my subconsious mind that I will make it to good college.
Thinking that MBA is just the game of our mind and you don't need to work too hard to crack the exams I was just taking it very lightly and enjoying the preparations without realizing where I am lacking and not even trying to curb my weaknesses. Amidst this scenario I top the MINERVA HUNT organized by CH. This was totally a luck with which I topped. This incident made my aspirations and dreams even more firm that yes I am going on the right track. I was also enjoying the college apart from realizing my dream and in a nutshell life was going fantastic.
It was fantastic because I was not working hard. It would have been painful if I had completed all the assignments of my coaching and worked seriously to realize my dream. The exams which demanded more than 8 Hrs of study, I was hardly spending 2 Hrs a day. In fact those two hours were also forsake. I was dreaming of top college but in fact each day pass I was getting farther and farther from my dream because I was too casual and desultory.
The arrival of Test Season i.e June 2009. I hardly prepared my concepts and yes I was ready for the tests(not actually but had to be prepared). In the midst the test series was going on I was eventually included in the SHARP BATCH( A batch which was most probable to score 99%le in CAT). Yes this was by mistake but actually it gave me even more wrong intentions that I can do. But still I wasn't working hard. I was totally in a misconceptions that it's all the game of mind and I will actually cope at the end.
The Test Series which I joined was actually an umbrage for me. The test which my coaching institute was organizing was intended to be properly analyzed and identify the weak areas but I was too casual and hardly did any analysis. It often happens that student's performance improves as the test series proceeds but in fact my performance was lowering as the time goes but then also I didn't actually put my best. It was sheer my fault which cost me the poor MBA Season.
At last the I appeared in almost all the MBA exams hoping if by chance I can get in to the top college. But God is smart enough, he support those who worked hard. And I am happy that I got the punishment because I actually didn't deserve any top college the way I prepared. I was confident but heart was always telling "How can you you clear the exam without putting the hard work"? The results is in front of me. I have only few calls from the colleges and that too from the MAT allied colleges in which I am least interested.
So friends this was my journey of MBA season. I know that it is cumbersome to read such a long story but if you are also following the same track and thinking that without hard work MBA exams can be cracked...Forget it..!!! Because the FACT is
" If you really want the dream to come true, You have to work hard"
It is rightly said that there is no substitute to hard work. Well it was a painful journey at the end but it made me very clear about the FANTASY and REALITY. Though the results are somber but I have learned a lot from this and most importantly I have found lot many ways in which I can't be successful. So this is a bonus for me. I am ready for the next attempt i.e. this year 2010. Hope this season will bring some good to me because I will definitely work hard...and in fact started!!!!
At last I would like to say that
"Race is Not Over Because I haven't Won Yet..!!!"
Thanxxxx for being so patient and reading my story of not getting succeeded.....!!! Keep Blogging...!!!!
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