CWG: National Pride @ Stake????
Hello Friends..
My journey of blogging is going great. Hope you all are also enjoying reading..!!!
When matter is about the country or its pride I can't stop myself commenting. Same is the case today. It's always great to host an international tournament not only it helps us to be in limelight but also allows an opportunity to showcase our culture, religion and to go global.
Friends it's true we are in the midst of our CWG preparations and hardly two months left for the D-day. So its time when the committee members have to take the onus of hosting the event successfully. But since last two days what am I listening that Our National Stake is pride??? There are allegations of Money siphoning outside the country???? What this??? This type of news not only put our moral down but also questions our administration.
Rs 35000 Cr is the Amount that was sanctioned for the CWG but still Mr Suresh Kalmadi was caught saying that we need some more money for the development of the stadiums and all that jazz. This type of demands simply questions Are we Really in a State to Host an International Event like CWG???
Many a time, Congress officials caught saying that These type of International events bring national pride to us. But my friends we are a country where 40% of world's starving people exist and we are a country where other than cricket no other sport has a credit to its name. So are these issues not a part of our national pride??? I reckon rather than spending 35000 Cr on this event, if we have spent even 1/10th of this amount on development of training centers and training our National players we would have earn more pride by winning Medals outside country.
Second issue which is paradox to the National pride is Why Don't we host these international events in other cities of the country??? Is Delhi alone represents the country??? Instead of sanctioning whole amount to Delhi govt. if they had given this opportunity to other states then I think we would have been in much better situation than that of we are at present. In that case other cities also have got the opportunity to contribute a little to the national pride.
Cost of 1 A.C is 4 Lac, Cost of a Treadmill is 9 Lac, Aren't these figures shocking??? You believe it or not but yes this is true. Such a big amount is flowing for the event. There are allegations that pervert politicians have siphoned this money outside the country and not allowing it to be useful for the event. Govt. should take immediate steps to identify the pervert politicians and punish them.
I am speaking because we are a tax payer citizens and we have a right to identify where our money is utilized. Its our right to see that our money is utilized effectively, efficiently and transparently. More over our national pride is at stake. But at last whatever be the case We have to be happy and celebrate that CWG will held in October. Still 62 Days left and committee members should contribute and try their level best to make this event a success.
As an Indian I can only be optimistic and hopeful that This event will surely be a great success and will bring National pride.
Jai Ho..!! Thanxx for being so patient..Do share your valuable comments..!!!
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