Welcome Friends..!!!
The week gone was full of Roses, Gifts, Chocolates, Proposals, Hugs and Kisses. It was the festive season for the lovers. Some proposal successfully accepted and might be some not. But don’t worry friends “efforts are always appreciated” so hope for the best you might get your love some time latter…!!!
But friends don’t you all think that in today’s world every thing is happening at an lightning pace? Whether its exchange of love messages, sharing happiness with your loved ones or negotiating business deals. I must say today’s man is totally HIGH TECH.
Recently the new social networking platform BUZZ was launched by Google. Since it’s a product of Google so it has to be in limelight. Previously Orkut and Facebook were already booming but in last few years TWITTER and other has made common people Tec savvy. In fact the business people, celebrities and politicians are also using it as an effective tool for promotions. WOW I am extremely happy the way world and specially the people of India going High Tech.
Imagine a situation when the love letters and other important messages used to take weeks to reach the destination and after week long we get the reply. But the 21st Century is changed. They highly rely on SMS's and E-Mails. In fact the new word is BUZZ. The technology advancement and Internet era has brought people lot closer. Previously when your relatives were in other country we endeavor to be in touch with them. But now it’s hardly take seconds to connect to anyone.
Recently my close relative married in Texas with his long time girlfriend. For us it was not possible to attend the marriage but see the prodigy of the technology. He in fact shown why technology is necessary. He just uploaded his marriage video and photos and we were enjoying as if we are really there. So this Internet era and unfolding technology has really made our lives high class.
Previously when some one used to buy a car or some thing new we were able to experience it only if we go there. But the Internet life and other social networking websites made it look really easy. I must give credit to IT which has made really entered into the lives of people. No matter how old are you? Technology is for all… This is the new punch line they are striving for?
Who can forget the MOBILE REVOLUTION among the youth? What I am talking about the INTERNET is almost true with mobiles also. You can find all such applications on the mobile too, in fact more. This is another wonder they have come with. Mobile Banking is the latest miracle they have done. What a splendid job these IT people are doing? Excellent..!!!
In fact IT professional are bit smarter than us. They have mainly targeted the youth segment of the country. They have now realized what the youth of the country wants. Any college graduate starts his day with checking his e-mail and then think of the other actions. Whether it’s the orkut, twitter, facebook and now it’s BUZZ you can find anyone on these social networking sites with their complete portfolio. What a technology revolution.!!!!! It hardly takes any time to spread a message among the youth. They are so well versed and linked up with these technologies that they just know it and they have it. Wow that’s something India should be proud of.
Sometimes it sounds great that Indian lifestyle going HIGH TECH but when we draw our attention over the impact of technology in our lives it really frightens us. BUZZZZZ….!!!!! It asks questions to us how long this HIGH TECH LIFE will continue???? Students at an early age become prone to lot many diseases. They rely more on chatting on internet rather than talking to their parents and neighborhood friends. They have become addicted to such technology and made their lives pathetic. Such custom of tech life has increased suicide cases and many such youngsters getting bereft of their childhood.
At last I just want to conclude that like you are only allowed to drive a vehicle at 18 otherwise it’s a crime. So, we should also follow such laws when it comes to technology. It’s up to the parents what stringent laws they can enforce? They should also take care that their child enjoys every bit of his childhood rather than getting into tech life.
You should understand technology but it doesn’t mean that it governs your lifestyle. You should be smart enough to maintain a balance between a social life and HIGH TECH life. !!!!!! Then only you can live a Healthy Life..!!!
Hope you understand the point I wanted to make….!!!! Since its a debatable topic and every individual has right to express. So don't hesitate to post your valuable comments. All comments and suggestions are heartily welcomed…!!!
Thanxxx ..!!! Keep Blogging..!!!!
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