India: A TALENT HUB..!!
Hello friends
Last blog was all about my loneliness but this time around you will be reading something about our Country. Yes our Country INDIA which is I think is a TALENT HUB.
You all might be pretty familiar with the talent hunts organized in our country. The talent hunt shows we called them as Reality Shows. Friends when we see the 25 year young performing on the stage then we don't see it as any exception, considering he might be practicing for long time. But what about a kid of meager 5 years of age, performing exceptionally well. Then we consider it as talent which needs to be nurtured. The facial expressions and the professionalism they show in their performance is worth appreciating. It is pretty injustice towards them to call them as amateurs. They are fabulous. This is what makes me proud of this country. India is a hub of talent and what they need is recognition of their potential.
Recently two Reality Dance shows for the kids viz "CHAK DHOOM DHOOM" on colors and "L'll Master" a junior version of DID(Dance India Dance). The contestants are called from all over India and almost every city is immensely talented that it's hard to choose a single one as winner. In fact it is like choosing that BEST amongst the BEST. I am very much impressed by these little kids showing lot much confidence and daring to touch the peak. They are really ambitious and their comments suggest that they have decided their objective in life and are working for that. I must say Indian kids are worth a gold. They will really be the superstars in the coming years.
Though they are vastly talented and they are getting a platform to showcase their talent. But Friends one thing that makes me apprehensive that "Is it Really a Right Age for them to face this kind of tough competition??" I agree with the fact that everybody cannot be selected but still when these little kids are meant to enjoy every moment of their childhood are forced to work really hard for such competitions. Are these Reality shows ruining their childhood. After tremendous hard work a kid, if not selected can sometimes bear huge mental shock and in that case it is a big loss to the country.
So, I am not opposing such talent hunt shows but I want to appeal to all the little kids and their gracious parents that Don't make your kid's life stressful. They are still in growing age and pressuring them for just a competition will be injustice to their childhood. Parent's have now bigger responsibility to make their kid understand this is just the competition and not the life. This kind of inspiration will definitely allow them to work freely and will be much better for their future. And I also appeal to these reality show people that Please Widen the scope of the competition and instead of just rejecting such little kids give them at least a little gift as memento in the same manner as if you are awarding to the winner so that they will cherish it for long. Even a little scholarship to every participant will boost their confidence. If you will do so then little kids will get motivated and your show(Talent Hunt Shows) will no longer be stressful but then it will be a great philanthropic effort from your side.
Hope you like my article and pretty much agreed to my point. Waiting for you valuable comments as always....Keep Blogging...!!!!!
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