Think you JOB INTERVIEW like a DATE..!!!!
Hello friends..!!
I am pleased to see that you all are very responsive and that propels me to write and share my thoughts even more..!! Today I am with some different topic.
Well Friends You might be all familiar with DATING and many of my you might have dated at least once. Right?? Many a time I see students getting intimidated by INTERVIEWS but in a normal world they are very frank and audacious. So Here's a analogy and a THUMB RULE for those who think job interviews are daunting.
Firstly Think you Job interview like a DATE with GIRL/BOY. What Happens in a date, you go out in a best possible manner and try to impress a girl/boy. When you go for a date you in fact rehearse for many times in order to get it right at that moment. So Try that strategy for interviews. Rehearse as many times as possible so that you don't get it wrong.
Secondly when you go for a DATE you check the history of that Girl or Boy, about her way of life, her friend circle and even consult them about her likings. So Why don't you adopt that Strategy while going for a JOB interview? I suggest when you go for a JOB Check out complete profile of the company. Like for a girl you check out her likings, in the similar manner you check out the Technology on which the Company works and try to to get accustom with that Technology. This will not only help to impress the interviewer but also you will make the interviewer feel that you are desperate for the JOB.
Moreover When you go for a DATE you always tend to appreciate either the dressing style or the nature of the GIRL/BOY or the location in order to impress her and to gain more space. So it's always better to adopt this strategy in the interviews too to appreciate things(Not the interviewer dress but the ambiance and the the way recruitment has been conducted and how calm and considerate the team members were) Don't hesitate to do this. This will provide you edge over others and also show your frankness.
Thirdly, Your DATE may or may not be successful but at the end you surely ask her how did you feel meeting me.Right??? Just to evaluate that whatever preps you did were sufficient enough or not. Similar strategy you should also adopt while going for a Job interview. After completion of the Interview whether you get selected or not ask freely "How did you find my interview sir??" This will help you gain two things: First it will help you to overcome your weakness and you will surely rectify for further interviews and second it will make an impression on the minds of the interviewer that The Candidate considers every incidence as an experience and if some time later you meet him he will surely help you and might consider you for a job.
Last but not the least Many a Time I see that students getting nervous at the time of interview and despite having sufficient knowledge not able to crack it. Like in a DATE although a Girl or Boy hits at your weakness you anyhow try to justify it and easily come out of the situation. So similar strategy you should also adopt at your Job interviews. The Interviewer never checks how much you know but in fact he checks how well you can handle pressure. So be cool and answer as if you are answering you sweet heart to save your relationship. This will surely work to an extent.
Well Lot of Gyan was given on Interviews, I am sure many of you might be having many more interesting analogies and suggestions. I am waiting for that. Your views are heartily welcome. Don't hesitate to share your views.
Hope This will help you to crack the interviews not absolutely but at least to an extent. So whenever next time you go for interviews Talk as if you are on a DATE with you girlfriend/boyfriend...!!! All the BEST..!! Wish u a great future ahead..!!
Keep Blogging..!!!!!
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